Private Yoga
Yoga is a simple and effective way to calm the mind and connect in a more authentic way to the body. Regardless of your level of fitness or expertise, including a personal yoga practice (or deepening an existing one) into your daily routine is a wonderful way to experience greater alignment in your life, better physical health and less stress!
Despite what you may have been led to believe, yoga is accessible to literally everybody. You don't have to be extra bendy or know all of the postures in order to benefit from a personal practice. Even if you've never stepped foot on a yoga mat before, beginning to incorporate some yoga into your life can help you to increase flexibility, tone and strengthen your body, manage your stress levels and improve balance. Additionally, yoga has been proven to ease back pain, pain from arthritis and inflammation and even to benefit your heart health!

My Specialties
Yoga also comes in many different forms. Some of us like a faster-paced practice that connects movement and breath, while some of us prefer to roll around on the floor and get nice and stretchy! Other's yet, may enjoy something in between or to change it up each session. One way is not better than the other...it's just a matter of perception.
I, personally, love yoga in all of its many forms. Whether you are seeking a vinyasa practice, a yin practice, a meditation practice, or even if you're entirely uncertain where you'd like to begin, I would be honored to help you build a practice that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.
I am trained in Hatha yoga, a style that includes integrating movements with the breath and includes 8 separate limbs of study (Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana & Samadhi) designed to work together to connect the mind, body and spiritual aspects of ourselves. Additionally, I have immersed myself in the following specialty sectors of yoga:

Yin yoga
Yin yoga marries Chinese medicine with yoga postures to create a slow-paced practice that targets certain meridians (or energy lines) located in the physical body. Postures are held for longer than in a regular yoga class (typically anywhere from 3-5 minutes) and focus more on breaking up the connective tissue rather than stretching the muscles. This is a wonderful practice for anybody looking to challenge their monkey mind, increase joint circulation and improve their flexibility.

On the contrary, a vinyasa practice tends to move much quicker and is commonly referred to as a "flow". Movement and breath are combined and transitions focus on stabilizing core muscles, building strength and increasing flexibility, all while heightening the mind/body connection.

prenatal yoga
Pregnancy can be a stressful time as our minds and bodies are experiencing so many changes at once. A prenatal yoga practice can help you to safely incorporate exercises that support the health and well-being of your pregnancy, keep you centered, focused and calm amidst the changes and promote a more easeful birth experience as the muscles used in the process are strengthened and toned. This practice can also help you to sleep better and experience decreased back pain, headaches and nausea.
Why Private Yoga?
There are lots of reasons why a student may choose to work one-on-one with a yoga instructor rather than attending group classes. A few perks include:
* Injury or Illness: Working privately with an instructor will help to mitigate any safety concerns, particularly for those who are dealing with an injury or illness. A private teacher will be able to cater the practice to your body, providing the props and modifications necessary to move you safely and comfortably in and out of postures.
* Building Confidence: Oftentimes, walking into a group setting can be a bit intimidating, particularly if you have never done yoga before. Working individually will help you to learn the postures, as well as the structure and flow of a class.
* Personal Goals: A private instructor will be able to tailor each practice to help you to meet your personal wellness goals. Whether you are looking to increase your strength and flexibility, lose weight, experience relaxation, learn to calm and control your mind, deepen your breathing, or something entirely different, your personal needs will be the focus of every session.
* Convenience: Your yoga practice is meant to do a lot of things, but stressing you out isn't one of them! Rushing around trying to get to a group class on time can do just that, making the idea of private instruction quite appealing for many. Whether you are going to your instructor or they are coming to you, each session is built around your schedule.
* Deeper Exploration: If you're ready to take your practice to the next level, private instruction may also be for you. With one-on-one attention, your instructor can walk you through some of the other, less publicly explored limbs of yoga. You may dive deeper into meditation, breath control, or concentration, or explore the ancient wisdom of the yoga teachings and traditions.